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What will happen at my first visit?
Please assist us at the time of your initial visit to the office by providing the following information:
  • Your referral slip and x-rays from your referring dentist.
  • A list of medications you are currently taking (please note that you can fill out your patient registration and medical history form on this web page.)
  • If you have dental insurance, please bring any forms or insurance cards with you to the appointment.

Please Note: All patients under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at the consultation appointment.

Please notify the office if you have a medical condition or concern prior to surgery (e.g. artificial heart valves or joints, severe diabetes, or hypertension.)
We will complete an in depth medical and dental health history and a thorough examination to measure for bone loss, loose teeth, bite, oral cancer screening, TMJ and other signs of periodontal disease.

Will it hurt?
We will be as gentle as possible. The periodontal exam can be completed with little or no discomfort.

Will I need surgery?
Not everyone needs periodontal surgery. If treated early, gum disease can be controlled without surgery. We will make recommendations based on your individual situation. Our philosophy of practice is to treat as conservatively as possible to attain treatment goals.

Can my teeth be saved?
The recent advances in periodontal treatment allow us to successfully treat most teeth.

Do I need x-rays?
We will need current periodontal x-rays in order to see disease not otherwise visible. If your referring dentist has taken x-rays, you may request that they be forwarded to us.

What is the cost?

Since all patients are different, your Periodontist must complete your examination before establishing your treatment plan and the fee for care. The fee for periodontal treatment can vary considerably depending on the type of problems and the complexity and length of treatment. An approximate fee can usually be determined at the initial visit; but on occasion, some initial treatment or further diagnostics must be completed before the final treatment plan can be established.
Will my Insurance cover the cost?
Dental insurance policies often cover periodontal treatment. Please bring all medical and dental benefit information and cards to your examination appointment. Upon request, we will submit a claim to predetermine your insurance benefits; however, this is not required by most plans.

When will I go back to my general dentist?
Our office and your Dentist will work closely together. If crowns and fillings are needed your Dentist will provide them. Regular visits to your Dentist are an important part of periodontal maintenance.

What if I don’t have gum treatment?
Periodontal disease is a progressive, painless infection. Delay can cause you further bone loss and more expense. If your teeth are lost, dentures are never as effective as your own teeth.
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Dr. Hassan is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Saturdays by appointment only). We will schedule your appointment as promptly as possible. Please allow approximately 60 minutes for your initial visit. If you have pain or an emergency situation, every attempt will be made to see you that day.

We try to stay on schedule to minimize waiting at the time of your appointment.

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Insurance & Coverage

Our insurance coordinators deals with many different insurance companies. Some companies offer many different dental and medical plans. These companies can change benefits, co-pays and deductibles many times throughout the year. We do our best to provide you with accurate coverage estimates based on information available to us. At times, it is almost impossible to accurately estimate our patients’ insurance co-payment. Many insurance companies will not give out fees until after the treatment is completed. Dealing with these companies can be difficult and time consuming. As a courtesy, we ask that you keep us informed of any change to your insurance. It is important that all information about you and your insurance is current.

Although we will gladly file your claim on your behalf, you may wish to submit the claim yourself. In general, insurers process claims filed directly by patients faster than those filed by the service providers (dental offices).

Further, most dental insurance policies are limited and often only pay for a portion of the procedure(s) that may need to be done.


The majority of dental plans reimburse approximately 30%-80% of treatment costs.

Private & Group Insurance

As a courtesy to our patients with medical and/or dental benefit plans, we will submit necessary claim forms, receipts, and other information to your insurance company.

Upon receipt of an insurance payment, any balance due will be billed to you. If you have deposited an excessive co-payment, it will be refunded to you.

We also offer third party financing through CareCredit, Wells Fargo and Chase financials.

Although no one likes to go to the doctor or dentist, we strive to make your visits with us as comfortable and pleasant as possible. We strongly believe that our patients’ comfort is an important part of quality dental care.

Dr.Hassan believes that your right to choose a dentist is an important freedom. We work closely with your dentist, but a referral by a dentist is not required to visit our office. We also welcome referrals from patients and friends of the practice.

Our goal is to make you feel comfortable and relaxed. We are here to listen to your questions and concerns and to help provide solutions leading to your better health. Please don’t hesitate to e-mail us if you have any questions regarding your care, or call our Riverside Office at 951-688-4250 or our Moreno Valley Office at 951-242-4944. Our fax number is 951.242.8668.